Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Define Enlightenment

A co-student in my Pat O Bryan class asked the question, what is enlightenment... This is my answer...

Great question Jim!

Great answer Geoff!

I love this topic, so please bear with me!

To me, enlightenment is simply the continual, progressive awareness of who we really are – powerful creators in a world that has purposely conditioned us to believe in our powerlessness. Children are born into the world as geniuses, and society, parents, the school system, peers and others have convinced most of us during our childhood to believe that we are not worthy – not good enough – not smart enough, not good looking enough, etc…

I see it all the time in the work that I do with EFT – the most basic, common, negative, self sabatoging belief that people have is that they are not worthy – of abundance, or of a loving relationship, or of having a purposeful, happy life…

Enlightenment is the process of questioning your beliefs, society, dogma, old traditions, and more and then having the courage and the guts to challenge your old beliefs and replace them with new, encouraging, positive ones. Enlightenment is believing in yourself more, and learning to trust your “gut instinct”. Enlightenement is finally realizing that you must love yourself first before you can love anyone else…

Enlightenment is knowing and embellishing the wonderful realization that there are no limits to what you can be, do and have. It's the knowing through experience and trial and error that the law of attraction is real – and can be used effectively in business, pleasure, and play.

Enlightenment is the final frontier of personal and spiritual growth where you realize that all along, the universe was continually and enthusiastically attempting to show you that it was there the whole entire time – eagerly waiting for you to finally believe in yourself, in your worthiness, and in your own importance.

Enlightenment is the understanding that who you really are is unconditional love, and if you are not being unconditionally loving, then you are simply not going to feel good… And, enlightenment is the understanding that our emotions are our guide – our emotions tell us in any given moment if we are aligned with who we really are, or not. If your focus is upon what you don't want, your emotions will let you know – and you won't feel good.

Enlightenment is the understaning that joy, happiness, fun, freedom, abundance and more is our right – not just a privelege. It is the understanding, that in everything that we do, and in everything that we think, there is nothing more important than to feel good!

Enlightenment is also the idea/belief/understanding that others can be who they are, and do what they want to do and it WILL NOT effect you – since you are not a vibrational match to them.

Enlightenment is accepting and unconditionally loving everyone – regardless of their preferences, likes, dislikes, political or religious affiliations… It is the knowing that you can live in your own paradise on earth without ANYONE having to change who they are to make you happy… Enlightenment is the knowing that you can let everyone else off the hook – and that only you have the responsibility to yourself to be happy… Enlightenment is the understanding that finding joy and happiness starts from the inside – not from the outside – it's the idea/concept/belief that you no longer need to look for outside conditions to change to make you happy – rather, it is your thoughts and feelings that control your world, and that by the law of attraction, you will begin to see things on your outside world change, as you change how you view it. Like Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.”

Enlightenment is the understanding that the universe doesn't know the difference between yes and no – if we shout “NO!!!” to war, we are actually giving more fuel to war – Hypnotists and quantum physicists understand that the subconscious mind works that way too – so, we never want to talk about what we dont want… Talk only about what you want. Talk only about what you want…

Enlightenment is simply the understanding of how the universe works – it's an understanding that the law of attraction is a universal law as real and powerful as the law of gravity.

I studied to be a Life Coach for years, and what I found was that my coaching school didn't want us to go too deep into the spiritual meaning of “following your gut instinct”. We were trained as coaches to only go that far – but it was never explained. I went down the rabbit hole on that one, and studied this stuff for years.

There is even more to it than this, but this is too much already!

But as a last point – I was at the Enlightened Millionaire's Institute a few years back and there was this amazing hypnotist named Mark Silva or Silver or something like that – and he demonstrated to everyone in attendence (thousands) the power that we really have – the power of our subconscious mind…

He got a volunteer from the audience who was a small framed, thin lady. He hypnotized her to believe that she was as stiff as a steel beam – and he had his helpers lift her and place her between two chairs. So, picture this thin, frail looking woman laying between the top of two chairs – her neck holding up one end, and her ankles on the edge of the other chair.. That alone is amazing… She looked stiff as a board…

Then, he stood on her… This guy weighed over 200 pounds… He stood there for about 5 seconds… He got off, and he got her out of her trance, and she was fine…

That's just one example of how we are truly more powerful than we believe. Personally, I know of many, many more “miracles” that have proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have no limits… Enlightenment is the understanding that there are no limits.

I have been working with people using EFT, law of attraction, hypnosis, and life coaching in order to get them past their self limiting beliefs. And I'm currently working on developing and refining a technique that will basically re-program the subconscious computer minds that we all have to replace old beliefs with new, powerful, positive ones.

Sorry for the long answer, but this is my passion. Thanks Jim, for asking the question…


“There is nothing more important than to feel good!” www.sexplorationcream.com